Fire Extinguisher Refilling Service
Fire Extinguisher Refilling service keep your premises safe and secure which kills fire and keeps you safe. We provides refilling of ABC, CO2, Clean Agent, Water, Foam, Wet Chemical, Dry Chemical, DCP, Water Mist, Kitchen K-Guard and Automatic – Modular fire extinguisher. All this type of fire extinguisher available in different capacity which are manufactured by Sea Max Fire Engineering Works in Delhi.
Fire Extinguishers are most effective way to suppress fire at it initial stage. Each Fire Extinguisher have its unique function which are use as their operations. Fire Extinguishers are portable which are easy to handle.

Fire Extinguisher
We provide refilling of ABC Fire Extinguisher which work on all A, B and C class of fire. ABC type fire extinguishers are widely use in all type of premises. Fire extinguishers are reliable and effectual way to control fire.

Fire Extinguisher
C02 fire extinguisher refilling in which Carbon Dioxide gas is use which make it cool through it gaseous system. In this Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher mainly use for control electrical fire.

Fire Extinguisher
Clean Agent Fire Extinguisher is a definite fire extinguisher of refilling is provided by us the Clean agent fire extinguisher is the most sustainable agent for all types of fire. The clean agent fire extinguisher maks guarantee of safety.

Fire Extinguisher
All type of Water based fire extinguisher refilling is provided by us. In which water base chemical is use for fire suppression. Water fire extinguisher is use for paper and wood type fire.

Fire Extinguisher
Foam Fire Extinguisher refilling is provided by us. The Foam fire extinguisher the foam base agent is use for control chemical base fire. These Foam type fire extinguishers is specially designed fire extinguisher.

Fire Extinguisher
Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers are of different types that demolished fire through wet chemical spray system. These are of different types of fire extinguisher which is refilled or service by us.

Fire Extinguisher
Dry Chemical Fire extinguisher in dry chemical agent are use for control fire. Our Dry chemical fire extinguisher refilling process is done by latest and effective substance which helps to control fire though its dry chemical agent.

Fire Extinguisher
DCP fire extinguisher is a dry chemical powder fire extinguisher. The DCP fire extinguisher refilling make sure that these fire extinguishers are use to do its proper function.

Fire Extinguisher
Water mist fire extinguisher refilling in which high pressurized water spray system are used which includes chemical agent for fire extinguisher refilling.

Fire Extinguisher
Kitchen Guard or K guard fire extinguisher is use of oil, fat fire. These Kitchen K-guard fire extinguisher refilling is mostly done in restaurants and hotels.

Fire Extinguisher
Automatic fire extinguisher is especially designed for those are where are no man power is use in this type of are automatic modular fire extinguisher ensure for complete fire safety.